Before I could quite go to school, my friend Hannah and I opted for one more adventure. she arrived early into New York's JFK airport, so I met her at the end of the subway line (a great way to get into the city while avoiding traffic). Along the way, we made a quick stop to get a crashpad from a vendor I found on craigslist. Trust me, it wasn't as sketchy as you think! From there, hilarity ensued! First we had to fit the pad through the subway entrance, then get past all the weird looks and questions about a refrigerator, and finally make it through the crowded subway car. By that point, I wasn't about to go through the right doors, so I exited through the emergency exit. With more weird looks at us and the sound of the alarm we made it out to fresh air and my aunt Randy's apartment to be greeted by a "What the heck is that, and how in the world am I going to fit it into the car?!" 
Fit it did, so we were off to NJ. Once there, we loaded up the VW, found a tent, raided the pantry, and couldn't resist taking a few shots at the target with the bows. Part one of day one was over as we hopped into the car and prepared for some unruly NJ drivers. Next stop- the Gunks!
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