March 28, 2012

The adventure begins!

New York is unlike any city - it seems to move in its own direction and this visit was no different. The dogwoods were in full bloom, people were practically running from one to-do to the next, and stores that would never last in a small town (peanut butter sandwich shop?) were thriving. NY has its own voltage, but every so often it is good to come out and experience the electricity.

I met up with my aunt, Randy and we decided that we couldn't waste the weather, so we walked and talked. The health trend had hit the upper west side big time, so we had dinner at a great vegetable heavy place called Peace Foods. From there we walked down to 77th to see a famous act of vandalism that left a street one-way confused.
At that point, after traveling and walking a few twenty blocks, I was ready to hit the wall and prep for the next adventure - school.

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