buying the silks, it seems that every person I talk to has done either
circus or some circus activity in high school. One of the people I talked to, an
engineering 3-2 transfer from Vassar College, was even in the Vassar College
Circus. We decided that there was a serious gap in the number
of circus activities at Darmouth. The idea for the Northern Lights Circus
Club was born. Since then, we have been recognized by the college, received funding, and bought
a ton of circus stuff.
far we juggle, hang from silks, perform acrobalance as shown below, and spin fire. With Jacob,
president, Hannah, treasurer, and me as the vice pres, we’re having a full out
blast. I have been getting into the silks, firestaff and acrobalance, and I am
hoping to spin fire before the end of the term!
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