Last week, my family had the unpleasant surprise of seeing our dog, Sandy have a siezure. We brought her to the vet and he put her on medication, but the medication made her so lethargic that she wouldn't even eat. We took her off the medication, thinking that we could try another one a few days later. She seemed to be bouncing back and on friday even wagged her tail but saturday 4am we found her surrounded by her own pee, obviously after suffering another siezure. She fell back asleep after we petted and cleaned her but was obviously in a lot of discomfort and by morning was all but gone. She wouldn't even open her eyes, so Saturday night at 11 years old, we had to put her down.

I never expect to know a more fun, loving and crazy golden as Sandy. May she eat as many retainers, phones, glasses and turkeys in doggie heaven.
Lorin - we will all miss Sandy - nice tribute!