May 28, 2011

The Skiing Season is over

At least for me it is! Even though it snowed on me yesterday morning, I have transitioned to summer sports. I'm ready for long bikes, paddleboards and hikes through spring foliage. The only problem with my plan is that the spring foliage needs to bloom so that I can hike through it. The snow melting wouldn't be a bad thing either. Either way, even if I have to go back to mexico to find it, my summer has begun. First thing I needed to do was to put all my skis away for the summer. After a long spring season of skiing on dirty snow, I hotwaxed all my skis and put a layer of storage wax to keep the bases from drying up. While I was going, my entire family walked through the tuning room and decided that now was the perfect time to ask me a favor.

Finally done with all nine pairs of skis that my family used this winter, I am definitely ready for a trip back to mexico!

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