January 26, 2011

Connecting with my inner zen

Before the complete chaos of materialism

So tomorrow I head to the Outdoor Retailer show in Salt Lake City. With the culmination of every manufacturer of outdoor equipment you could think of, the coolness of seeing all the new gear before it hits shelves is a bit overpowering. Like any extract (learned this one with vanilla), it smells nice, but the full taste is strong. My job at the show is twofold. I am there both as an Outdoor Nation Ambassador and a youth team SNEWS writer, so I get to try to swallow a mouthful!

Outdoor Nation is a youth driven organization that gives seed money to outdoor clubs in return for them taking out kids who would otherwise not get out. For example, if money is given to a high school, the kids in the club need to take out middle school inner city kids twice a month. The goal is to reconnect the next generation with the outdoors.

SNEWS is the industry newsletter. As a youth reporter, I do articles from a youth opinion (yes, I know the opinion of all youth:) ). This summer, I did an overview of energy bars in the industry and what it feels like as a newbie to be in the midst of 300 something manufacturer's booths all showing you new products.

Needless to say, for the next four days, I will be a busy girl!

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