When will it end! This week might kill me. Between the cold (-20), VIP events, and even meeting little Yann (Chris and Rachi's newborn), it has been nonstop so far. As I said, today was a really cold but good day of training. After, we headed to the VIP press tent of the WC moguls event (which we got last night at dinner) to grab a quick bite and watch the finals. With daylight fading, we hit the slopes again to do a few sprints. Almost normal, until Phil took a turn off the piste and went onto a frozen lake. Yep, we did sprints with a view of slowly ambling fish under our skis! With heads spinning (from the cold, I haven't been in France that long), we embarked on the next activity: picking up a lifesized billboard of the 3 Fraires that arrived too late for Maribel to use and set it up at their mom's restaurant. For those of you who intend to visit Maribel, check out the trophy case at Rastro's. You won't be disappointed by the food either!

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