December 31, 2010
History in the making
Fionn MacCumhaill (Finn McCoolly)
Isn't it just typical of me to turn an hour hike into a four hour - where are we? - hike! Me and Ciara headed to hike to the top of the Cloghmore (clock-more) Stone, a rock brought down with a glacier from Scotland. We took the wrong trail (there were only two) and didn't decide to turn around until we had reached the top of the adjacent hill (Irish mountain). After a successfully exhausting second hike in the chilling wind, we enjoyed tea (of course) and a great view. Later, enjoying soup and wheaten, the best bread ever (I feel like I say that in every country), one of Ciara's aunts told us the other story of how the Cloghmore stone reached the top of an Irish mountain. She started by describing the history of the feud between the Scottish giant and Fionn MacCumhaill, the Irish giant. After taunts, sorcery and trickery, the Scottish giant got so fed up that he lugged a rock at Fionn. Of course, the Irish giant won the skirmish, but I might have to go to Scotland someday and hear the other side of the story, like a good journalist :)
role model moment
December 24, 2010
I think I attract the cold...
Top of the world!
Irish world, that is!
Since America would have been one hack of a shlep to get to for the holidays, I headed to Ireland to visit some family friends. Thinking of Ireland, I would have thought of rain and greenery, but in apparently the coldest bit of weather in a long time, there is some serious snow! Today, Ciara showed me some of the sites of the area around Hilltown, and this is a viewpoint that the locals call the top of the world. Looks like I'm going to have very white Christmas!
December 20, 2010
Lenk Sprint
Almost a powder day
3 Fraires, 3 Styles, 1 Passion: Telemark
Today's training was in one word freezing! Thankfully, after training, grabbing some lunch (with a glass of red wine, of course) and doing some skate sprints, we headed to the Maribel spa. After 15 min in the steam room, 10 min in the sauna, and 10 min in the jacuzzi with tea in between, sensation had long returned to my feet and I was relaxed and ready to hit the hay. Sven had a ski school training in another part of France, so he left and went with Phil to grab some food. Always jokers, Phil didn't warn me that we were going to a VIP dinner with the managers of Maribel and the press that would be covering a WC moguls event tomorrow. After a 100 euro meal, a glass of terrific white wine, and the fatigue from a full day, English would have been hard, let alone an group of 20 all conversing in French. Needless to say, I think I'll sleep like a rock.
In the world of ski-bachelors
Viva la France!
December 12, 2010
Gotta love public transportation
From one tourist town...
December 8, 2010
December 7, 2010
Action packed day!
Boy, did I miss the sun
December 2, 2010
C'est genial! Today it snowed two feet in town! I figured the best way to enjoy it would be to make the first tele turns ever on the road! We'll see what happens tomorrow when I have to walk down this road to get to school!
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