December 4, 2012


I think the world would just be better off if we all went Fred Flinstone style - no pesky engines, just running to and fro. Starting a bunch of engines after a summer without use is challenging! On the list for yesterday at the cabin were the snowmobiles - only a three hour job, the snow blower - a two hour job including some squirting oil - yum, then the wood splitter. Now the wood splitter was pretty entertaining. We checked the oil - all good, then the gas. There wasn't any, so my dad went to pour some in and it spouted out of the engine onto his shoe. After a few moments of blundering around looking for the leak we found it in a punctured tube. We caught the remaining gas in a container, recut and attached the hose, then started all over again. And this was all before we could even start splitting the wood!

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