August 15, 2012

OR Summer p2

For the main days of the OR show, all of us writers get together, claim stories, then hit the show to get all of our research. After a full day of talking to industry experts, with random instances of pinch me!, like when I had a full conversation with Conrad Anker, who has summited Everest some three times. After getting enough quotes, two o'clock and crunch time arrives and for the next two hours, I usually occupy the garbage pail outside of the news room to type my articles standing up. By 3:30, I had all four of my articles in and had the chance to grab a bite of food. From that time until our 7:00 meeting, there was no reason to be in the news room, so I trolled the show floor in search of good music and article ideas. Usually, I can accomplish the music part of that goal along with finding a few good brews.

At seven, we are assemble in the news room to debrief, then scare up some food. So that is the cadence of the show: running and eating dominoes for lunch then having an extravagant sushi meal for dinner after the relief of making all the deadlines. Not too boring!

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