It was Saturday night after finals were over. My school buddies and I had already watched a movie, eaten, and anything else we could think of, but weren't quite ready to go to bed yet. Options in Hanover are pretty one dimensional from frat basements to frat basements, but we thought of a way better idea: buildering. Buildering is just what it sounds like - bouldering on buildings. We chose the chapel on campus because it was made of granite, which obviously is very rocklike. All was going well in traversing the walls until safety and security arrived. It wasn't as if we were climbing onto the roof or defacing the building, but apparently a sober alternative on a Saturday night wasn't buildering in their books. After holding straight faces and getting a good talking to, we started to walk away when one of the officers called us back. He thought that we should get involved with the outdoor programs at school.

If only he knew!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Outdoor programs. Good one, officer.