With my knee feeling much better after my stint of Volteren and Meloxicam, I decided to rekindle my ski progression. My awesome mom agreed to come with me (ski progressions aren't half as exciting as they sound), so I started on Tomahawk. Tomahawk is the flattest, easiest run on the mountain. I was feeling pretty good, so I did a little tele carving. By the end of the run (a green, btw), my legs were shaking so bad, that I took the fastest route down to the car (notice the slight grimace in the picture). Ah, gotta love atrophy.
Since I couldn't waste a beautiful day, I decided to go up North that afternoon (Sand Mtn. area) to try my hand at skinning again. I know, it was an easy progression day. Any-who, we will see as to whether I

will have that good ol' can't squat down to sit on the toilet soreness tomorrow.
Nice jacket..!