Everything from losing sleep over the visa process, to helping me shlep five months worth of oatmeal over to Switzerland, I wouldn't have this opportunity without my amazing parents. This post is purely a thank you. Thanks for dealing with all my injuries and recoveries, ups and downs; my crazy projects and my habit of biting off more than I can chew.
I appreciate all the support from both my family and from everyone who is following my adventure this year! Next stop: the top of the podium!!!!
They Say Life is an Adventure
Prove Them Right!
Prove Them Right!
Thanks for such a nice posting!
Mom & Dad
You are not just an incredible athlete, but daughter, niece, granddaughter, etc. Lorin, you are an inspiration to everyone. I truly admire all that you do & have accomplished. You really know how to embrace life & live it to the fullest! Your Gonna Move Mountains!! Love & Miss You – Aunt Randy