Alright. Here is the
deal. You are going to take this towel. Yeah, I know it’s just a hand towel,
but if we soak it in water it should work. If anything lights on fire, just
yell at me the body part – like Jacob, ass! Or Jacob, arm! If I don’t put it
out – you put it out. You got that?
While everyone else was preparing to drink their brain out
at winter carnival, I was spotting, Jacob, a fire spinner for the opening
ceremonies. Jacob, Hannah and I decided to start a circus club, of which
includes fire arts and Jacob was already a pro. So, I figured what the heck,
I’ll spot. Low and behold, despite the below freezing temps, he went on to take
off his shoes and perform barefoot. I think I’ll keep my shoes on in the middle
of winter at least until I can figure out the whole spinning part!